Regarding the new threats by Miljan Damjanovic, deputy of the Serbian Radical Party in Serbian Parliament, that they will by all means prevent the festival “Mirëdita, Dobar dan!” to be held, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights invites the competent institutions to react.
MoreWithin the Travelling School on Nationalism, a group of around twenty young people from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo visited Hrtkovici, a town in Vojvodina which has recently come to public focus after the judgment of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals by which Vojislav Šešelj was convicted for a crime against humanity for persecution of Croats from this municipality,
MoreThe Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Croatia and Youth Network of Serbs in Croatia, on the day of suffering of civilians on the territory of Western Slavonia, Zagreb and surrounding towns, propose that May 2 is declared a memory day for all civilian victims of war.
MoreMinute of Silence in the Croatian Parliament in Memory of Victims of Crime in Ahmići