Open Letter to RYCO: RYCO Must Stay Firmly Committed to Peace and Regional Cooperation

As a network that has been strongly dedicated to reconciliation in the region for almost 20 years, Youth Initiative for Human Rights urges RYCO to take immediate action against the RYCO youth representative from Serbia, Jagos Stojanovic, for his problematic statement, which directly undermines the principles of reconciliation and cooperation between the youth in the region. 

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EuroPride is the Most Important Test for the Freedom in Serbia

Youth Initiative for Human Rights Network (YIHR) stands in solidarity with LGBTIQ+ community in Serbia after the latest official statements of the President and the Government of Serbia announcing the possibility of banning the scheduled EuroPride 2022 march in Belgrade.

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Webinar: The efficiency of Serbia and Kosovo’s institutions’ mechanisms in finding missing persons from the war in Kosovo in the period from 2016 to 2020

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the presentation of the analysis The efficiency of Serbia and Kosovo’s institutions’ mechanisms in finding missing persons from the war in Kosovo in the period from 2016 to 2020 organized by the National Convention on the European Union. The presentation will take place on April 27 at 12 pm via Zoom.

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Serbia and Montenegro are obliged to fully investigate the state crime and recognize the victims of the abduction in Strpci

Today we mark the 28th anniversary of the crime in Strpci, when members of the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) took out and killed 20 passengers, non-Serb civilians, at a train station in Strpci (BiH) from a train running on the Belgrade-Bar route.Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia (YIHR Serbia) and Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Montenegro (YIHR CG) recall the responsibility of state institutions of Serbia and Montenegro for this planned war crime against the citizens of FRY and demand that full responsibility be established – not only of the perpetrators but also of the originators of this crime, as well as to speed up investigations and court proceedings in both countries. Also, the families of victims in Serbia continue to be discriminated in terms of the status of civilian victims of war, while in Montenegro no one but Nebojša Ranisavljević has been prosecuted.

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Request to the government of the republic of Serbia with regard to the elimination od shortcomings in the drafting of the law on free access to information of public importance

The Coalition for Access to Justice hereby requests from the Government of the Republic of Serbia to remove without delay the shortcomings in its work on amending the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance (hereinafter referred to as: LFAIPI), by ensuring that the work on drafting of the Law will be taken over by the competent Ministry for Human Rights alongside equal participation of experts, media representatives, associations and others, in accordance with the Law on the Planning System.

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In solidarity with women who have survived sexual violence

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR Serbia) stands firmly in solidarity with young actresses Milena Radulović and Iva Ilinčić, as well as all the other girls and women who came forward about the sexual abuse and rape they experienced at the acting school of Miroslav Aleksić. 

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YIHR Croatia and YIHR Serbia Reaction to Yesterday’s Speech by Croatian Prime Minister Plenković on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Operation Storm

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković dedicated a part of yesterday’s speech on the occasion of the celebration the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day to paying respect to the victims of war crimes committed by the Croatian side. He has thus given a great contribution to the conciliatory marking of the 25th anniversary of the Operation Storm.

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Tabloid Headlines against Boris Milošević Sign of Weakness and Shame of Serbian Nationalism

On Saturday August 1, the majority of tabloids (Večernje novosti, Informer, Kurir) and the Politika daily launched, on their front pages, a negative campaign against Boris Milošević, former president of Serbian National Council in Croatia, and currently Deputy Prime Minister of the Croatian Government for the announcement of his attendance at the official celebration of the Storm operation anniversary.

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Workshop on Secret Mass Graves in Serbia

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) organized a two-day workshop for young journalists, activists and politicians from the PYN Network in Belgrade on December 21-22 2019. The workshop titled “Secret Mass Graves in Serbia” is part of the programme “Truth and Reconciliation in Serbia”.

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YIHR Kosovo and YIHR Serbia condemn the denial rhetoric of President Vucic

Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR Kosovo) and Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Serbia (YIHR Serbia) strongly condemn the statement of President of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vucic about the denial of the massacre in Račak.

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