Mr. Parliamentary Speaker, do not relativize criminal character of the Ustasha greeting ‘For Home(land) – Ready!’
MoreOn the occasion of EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčak’s visit and meeting with Kosovan representatives in Washington D.C. on Saturday, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights calls on President Vučić and other government representatives in Belgrade to approach this phase of negotiations in a manner different to those that have preceded.
MorePre-election silence is determined by law so that citizens may cast their votes in peace. However, we cannot stand in silence and watch our political scene and election campaigns be marred and moulded by war criminals. The Youth Initiative for Human Rights wishes to warn and report about the participation of war criminals in public… View Article
MoreWe are pleased to announce the official publication of the first joint civil society human rights report in Kosovo. The report provides an overview of the human rights situation in Kosovo in 2019, including of the main problems and challenges to realizing human rights as well as human rights violations. It assesses civil and political… View Article