
YIHR and My Initiative demand revealing the fate of 1837 missing persons

Youth Initiative for Human Rights and My Initiative activists have marked August 30, the International Day of Missing Persons, by demanding revealing of the fate of 1837 missing persons since the last war in Kosovo. “Denial of the families rights to know the fate of their loved ones is continuity of violations of the fundamental… View Article


Young people from Kosovo and Serbia were guest at DokuFest ‘10

Youth Initiative for Human Rights is committed to break the barriers between youth Albanian and Serb and this is realized through various activities within the Program for Regional Visiting and the Program for Visiting within Kosovo. From 2 to 5 August 2010, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights organized a thematic visit in the 9th… View Article


YIHR’s and My Initiative’s Action for Missing Persons

Pristina, 27.04.2010 Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) and activists of My Initiative have marked the 27th of April, Missing Person’s day in Kosovo. Activities began with the deployment of a large number of white cubes covered with the question “Where are 1862 Missing Persons?” which have stood at the Mother Theresa Square in Pristina… View Article
